Decommissioning a facility and property includes removal of hazardous materials and waste; cleaning and removal of equipment; decontamination and remediation; and, termination of environmental operating permits.
AW not only has the capability to dismantle a site, they can also decommission a site. The process involves specific steps to correctly complete a facility’s environmental decommission:
- Hazardous material and waste: Once identified, removal and off-site management of hazardous material and petroleum products in necessary; which may include solvents, compressed gas cylinders, water waste treatment chemicals, lubricants and wastewater. This must be accomplished by licensed personnel to ensure that the material is properly over-packed and lab-packed within properly labeled containers, including preparing the manifest for shipment and disposal.
- Equipment: Equipment that cannot be re-used, is typically cleaned and shipped to another facility or sold. This type of equipment usually includes the components of water and wastewater pretreatment systems, process piping, and industry-specialized equipment. Decontamination involves removing, purging, and proper disposal of liquids, solids and gases contained in equipment and the rinsing or high pressure washing of the equipment with water and detergent. When required, AW completes chemical analysis of any wipe samples taken from washed equipment to document that residual hazardous substances have been removed.
- Decontamination and remediation: Any remaining intact building surfaces (floors, walls, and ceilings) that may be contaminated and require decontamination must be identified. Typically this includes maintenance rooms, water and wastewater treatment areas, chemical storage rooms, hazardous waste storage rooms, flammable storage rooms, manufacturing areas, and other locations that had been subject to spills. If the facility is going to brownfield, AW will take the necessary steps to comply with all Federal, State and Local regulations for environmental cleanup.
- Termination of environmental operating permits: AW will assist in preparing the Notice of Permit Termination to the appropriate regulatory authorities. Permits to terminate include: RCRA hazardous waste generator identification, air emission permit, industrial sewer use permit, NPDES point source and stormwater discharge permit, flammable storage permit, and other possible permits based on the type of facility being decommissioned.